How can I become a Developer?


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

We are not currently hiring any Developers at this time, but we are still accepting applications and will reach out if we are interested.

Eligibility Requirements

  • You must have experience with Roblox Studio and the Roblox Platform.
  • You must have previous experience in the exact position you are applying for (Modeler, Scripter, etc.).
    • With that, you must have a portfolio showcasing previous works.
  • Maintain composure and be willing to represent Cruising Studios and the brand.

I meet the eligibility requirements, how can I apply?

If you have decided you meet the eligibility requirements, please email us at [email protected]. Do note, only one person reviews these, and it may take some time for a reply. Emailing, or a reply doesn't guarantee a position as we tend to save portfolios when we are looking for new Developers!

In that inquiry, include the following information:

  • A little bit about yourself and your goals.
  • Your portfolio.
  • What you are applying for specifically (Modeler, Scripter, etc.).

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