Suggesting additions to Cabin Crew Simulator


Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

Our Developers are always open to hearing the Community's feedback on Cabin Crew Simulator, much of what we've added has originated from ideas submitted as suggestions!

1. Join our Discord

You can join our Discord using this link.

2. Verify

In order to verify, you must go to the Bot-Commands channel (after joining the Discord), and running the /verify command using Bloxlink!

3. Post your Suggestion

Finally, post your suggestion, but be sure to follow the guidelines!

Suggestion Guidelines

Required content for your suggestion:

  • What is your suggestion?
  • How will it improve the game?
  • Any additional comments or context for your suggestion.
  • Must be related to Cabin Crew Simulator

Focus on one feature per suggestion, don’t group multiple suggestions

For Aircraft Suggestions:

  • Detail why we should add this aircraft. Only suggest one at a time.
  • What does it add to the game?
  • Include images of the aircraft

For Airport Suggestions:

  • Detail why we should add this airport. Only suggest one at a time.
  • What does it add to the game?
  • Include images of the airport.

For Emergency Suggestions:

  • Detail why we should add this emergency.
  • What does it add to the game?
  • Include example image(s) of the emergency.

Tag Usage:

  • Aircraft Suggestion - For suggesting new aircraft
  • Airport Suggestion - For suggesting new airports
  • Emergency Suggestion - For suggesting new emergencies
  • Other Suggestion - For any other one not falling into the above categories

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